MIM and SQUIER Pickup Identification

Featuring Gombrelli Guitars (GG USA)

Fender Made In Mexico Pickup Identification

All the information was gathered by Bruce Baker Gombrelli of Gombrelli Guitars USA. Please give reference if put it on your website or a wiki

Updated: 2024.08.27 – Added Player II HSS (measurements not known yet)

Pickup Identification Overview

Identifying Fender pickups ranges from an easy to a difficult job at times. These pages are a labor of love for sure! I focus on the newer Fender pickups for now.

NOTE: This information is subject to change and I’m updating it all the time as I run into new or conflicting information all the time, so more pickups are getting added and the editorial comments are getting updated constantly. And of course, they keep making new models!


A great place to start is here: Fender Pickup Check List

Fender typically has no “set” look for their pickups and often no number scheme or another unique identifier written on the pickup itself, usually the number of the pickup represents some or all the SKU when it does exist, but not always are all the numbers written or even written on them at all.

The best way to identify them is often by looks and measurements combined. That said, some pickups, like the noiseless ones, are very easy to identify other can be dog gone hard.  Bottoms, Wires and such make it a complete detective project at times because Fender would use whatever pickups they had on guitars in some cases so an MIM could show up with higher end pickups, or test runs, etc.

Big Picture Info

  • Don’t be fooled – The “Number” on the back of the pickup is usually a middle number in the actually part number or part of the part number, and this may change over time for the same model of pickup.  Sometimes it’s rock solid so examine with caution.
  • The number that is “molded” into the plastic is a BOBBIN NUMBER and is used over and over in different pickups. That just the plastic part number and is worthless for identifying pickups.
  • The resistance values are approx. and can vary up to 10% in some cases or even more. The DCR are a guideline, not an absolute but in some cases they are very close.
  • Pay attention to the stock wires used.
  • Pay attention to the staggering on the poles.
  • DCR is only PART of the sonic equation!!


Inductance varies by the frequency used to measure the inductance and the technique used.  The recommendation is to use 120Hz and make sure you measure using SERIES mode. This will get you values very close to what Fender publishes and the difference at that point should be the actual pickup.


The Q Value (the width of the frequency notch) changes by measurement frequency and since the Q on pickups is quite wide, expect a 0.3 ish value and use 120Hz the same as you use for inductance measurements.


I don’t have a lot of Gauss readings but see my Magnetic Pole info page.  Note that most Guass meters measure in Telsa, just multiply by 10 to get Gauss.

This page contains Fender Made In Mexico Stratocaster Pickups.  Expand Single Pickup Links to search for other pickups like USA or Custom Shop, Humbuckers, etc.


Fender Standard Stratocaster (MIM) – late 90s to about 2018

Updated: 2024.07.14

Fenders BREAD AND BUTTER MIM pickups for YEARS.  Very good lower cost to produce ceramic pickups were the mainstay of MIM standards for many years, unless replace by the Player Stratocaster.

Overview: Fender Standard Stratocaster (MIM) which are Ceramic (2 bar magnets on the bottom and steel poles) – They have been manufactured for a LONG time and their values have changed over time but generally fall into a range. Around 7K to 7.4K DCR. The older ones are less and have a slightly mellower grab.

Visuals: They are very easy to recognize by their two ceramic bar magnets on the end and some other features, but you have to measure them to be sure because the Squier ceramics look similar but have a MUCH lower DCR (The pole tops look different on Squier versions also)

Remagnetizable? These puppies are not re magnetizable like the “pole” magnets of the American Standard or player because it uses Steel pole pieces and the magnets supply the field. Another thing to note is that SQUIER has pickups that look VERY Similar to these pickups and have 2 magnets on them also. However, they measure in about 1/2 the DCR of these MIM versions and have flat “pole” pieces with a swirl on top. They almost sound Vintage where the MIM ones are much hotter and “raw” sounding. They are have lower output. See Squire Ceramics

Note: In 2024 – The newer Squier Model have upped the winding for their 2 magnet version and the are now clocking in around 6K. Less than the old MIM but double that of the old Squiers, they are good pickups and they came on the SONIC Squier.

MEASUREMENT NOTE:  Most early versions of these were NOT as high output as the later versions so I found that interesting. The older ones are slightly less shrill and with a more vintage output.  However, these pickups can have DCR values through the years that is all over the place. Also I found that some sets contain “Matched” Neck and Middle pickups which I found interesting, and with a pretty consistent value of 7.0K

Sound: These don’t sound that bad but don’t have the definition of Alnico pickups for fingering players. They tend to have a lot of punch and some artist even use them (Like Buddy Guy, Albert Hammond) – Blues Artists — They take wiring mods very well. I don’t have a curve to share but intend of getting that. They have a lower resonance peak then Vintage with a tighter Q value and a significant Inductance.

Overall: The basics are there with these pickups but there are some minor variations from “run” to run. Some mildly beveled, some not, One of the mildest staggers I’ve ever seen.

  • Typical 7K to 7.4K DCR  – More for later ones, less for earlier ones
  • SPECIAL: Often they are quite matched in DCR between Neck and Middle which is really awesome.
  • Stagger: Mild to None – Typically the stagger is symmetrical (same for each E, and B is the same as the A and the D and G are the same)
  • Bevel: Mild to None
  • Steel pole pieces with Ceramic Magnets (2)
  • Wire Colors: White/Black wires except for middle which is Yellow/Black
  • Early ones are slightly lower output (and DCR) than the later ones.
  • Interesting enough the Neck and Middle are often Matched (exact in measurement with each other)
  • Middle one is RWRP
  • Cover Color: All of them


  • Output by stimulator Coil: VERY HIGH
  • Capacitance: 165pf
  • Inductance: 4.35 H
    • Q: .459
  • Resistance: 7K (pretty close to this all the time)
  • Resonance Peak: Approx 5.3 Khz


  • Bridge = South
  • Middle = North (rwrp)
  • Neck = South



  • 2001: Bridge 7K (4.3H) – Middle 6.9K (4.4H)  – Neck 6.9K (4.4H)
  • Another Year Unknown: Bridge 7.0K (3.8H) – Middle 7.4K (3.9H) – Neck 7.3K (3.8H)

Look for the Yellow reverse wound pickups for the center pickup (bucks hum on position 2 and 4)

Squier Lookalikes: They have a very distinguishable top swirl on their non staggered poles. They are lower output vintage sounding (see below) and not nearly as hot as the MIM versions. They respond super well to series wiring and become vintage humbuckers.

Wires: White/Black (neck) – Yellow/Black (Middle) – White/Black(Bridge) MIMs

Fender Player Stratocaster (2018ish+)

This is Fenders Made in Mexico (MIM) replacement for the older Fender Standard Stratocaster (MIM version). These were Alnico 5 instead of the Ceramics with 2 magnets that had been the bread and butter of the Mexico series for years.

These pickups are just different than the standards. Not worse, maybe a bit better overall in terms on sonically, but ceramics have their place and are great rockers..

The bottoms of these pickups look a LOT like an American Standard they lost the old “2 magnet” ceramic look and use Alnico 5 pole pieces and they are rather hot (and heavily wound). One EASY way to spot difference is the red marks on ALL of the pole pieces (which they stopped doing in 2022)

They are very good pickups overall.  Hot but slightly smoother than the older Ceramic version.


Published Specs

Specs, Real Measurements with Inductances (SSS)

  • Bridge 8.55K, 2.8H  (2021) — First Version 8.3K
  • Middle: 8.1K, 2.55H (2021) — First Version 7.6K
  • Neck: 7.5K – 2.25H (2021) — First Version 7.35K
  • Bevel: Yes
  • Stagger: Yes
  • Magnet: Alnico 5
  • RWRP Middle pickup
  • Red Mark on the bottom of each pole piece make them easier to identify (2021+ and newer ones likely not)
  • Numbers typical: 131, 132, 133 (neck to bridge)
  • Numbers version 2: 145, 144, 143 (Neck to Bridge) – Don’t ask me why they are backwards order (number wise).
    • NOTE: The DCR is slightly less for this set.  7.35, 7.6K 8.3K
  • Wire colors: White (neck), Yellow (Middle RWRP), Red (Bridge) with Black as the ground (Start)
  • Other Numbers: 543, 542 (See Lead II and Lead III)


  • Output by stimulator Coil: Average
  • Capacitance: 212pf
  • Inductance: 2.4H
    • Q: .221
  • Resistance: 8.3K (pretty close to this all the time)
  • Resonance Peak: Approx 6.8 Khz (higher than Ceramic)

HSS Version

  • Measured: Neck: 7.55K – 2.32H  Middle 8.2K – 2.56H  Humbucker 7.5 – 3.3H (Can be split)
  • They use the SAME Neck and Middle pickups for this HSS version as they do the SSS version.



The pickups for Player II are VERY VERY close to the values to Player Original series (or Player I) so the chances they are the same pickup is extremely high.

  • Alnico 5
  • Black Bottom
  • Wire Colors
    • Bridge White Black
    • Middle Yellow White RWRP
    • Neck  White Black
  • Alnico 2 for Humbucker
  • Numbers for HSS
    • Bridge: 190
    • Middle: 144
    • Neck: 145
    • Neck: Real Measurements: SSS (In circuit with pots max so they have been parallel adjusted)
      • Bridge: 8.3 (adjusted: 8.6K)
      • Middle: 7.65 (adjusted 7.9K)
      • Neck: 7.4 (adjusted 7.6)
    • SSS Numbers
      • Neck: 145
      • Middle: 144
      • Neck: 143
    • Note: Same Neck and Middle are used with the HSS as the SSS, only  difference is the Humbucker in the HSS
    • SSS wiring is stock
    • HSS wiring is stock HSS wiring which used a SUPER SWITCH and position 2 splits the humbucker.
      • Tone 2 is just the Bridge alone is POSITION 1
      • Tone 1 is Neck and Middle



Fender Player PLUS

Released in roughly 2020. This are the top of the tier of Mexico Made Stratocasters

This SSS version (there is a HSS version) used a “special” Noiseless Version. It’s basically a take off of the Vintage Noiseless just wound slightly difference and most importantly use ALNICO 5 (good pickups btw!)




Super Strat Pickups

Roughly 1998-2004 – The became the MIM Deluxe series (with the same push button)

Very cool. I fell upon a loaded pickguard complete with measurements! Gold Mine.

These are essentially hot American Pickups, but note the wire colors are different (green always ground) and the middle and neck pickups have screws for field focus. Fender called them their Super Fat pickups.

Pickguard. The stock pickguard has a push push BUTTON that parallels the neck with position 1 and 2 – a VERY common Fender wiring scheme (and not my favorite).

I never mount these type of buttons they are a pain in the booty.  I was tempted to buy these for testing but didn’t feel like forking out the cash he wanted for them.


  • Bridge: Green and Yellow
  • Middle: Green and Red (screws) RWRP
  • Neck: Green and White (screws)


  • Neck Pickup: 7.37k
  • Middle Pickup: 7.61k
  • Bridge Pickup: 8.12k

Lead II Pickups

Why did I include these? They are single coil and I have a special place in my heart for the LEAD series so I was naturally curious and pickup up a set of these.

These are basically just the PLAYER Anico 5 pickups.They correspond to the Middle and Neck pickups on a player Stratocaster.

  • DCR: BRIDGE (8K) – NECK (7.6K)
  • Numbers: 542 (Bridge)  543 (Neck)
  • The have red marks on the bottom across the poles by a marker
  • Tops are Beveled
  • VERY mild stagger
  • Yellow Black is the Bridge/ White Black is the Neck


Lead III Pickups

Similar to the player pickups but use Alnico 2

  • Material: AlNiCo 2