Emma Model – 1995 Black Fender Stratocaster

Featuring Gombrelli Guitars (GG USA)

Emma Model – 1995 Black Fender Stratocaster

“I absolutely LOVE my guitar!!!! It is soooo beautiful and the purple just pops Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Emma was originally a 1995 Fender MIM that needs quite a bit of TLC. The neck however, as dirty as it was, was actually in good shape.

Originally the 1995 Fender was produced in Mexico with whatever parts Fender had after their factory had be rebuilt so it has many odd features. It’s got an amazing neck but they put Squier tuners on it, Squier Electronics but Standard Fender Stratocaster pickups, finally the bridge pieces were odd and very Squier like but fine. The bridge is a lighter style (thinner) that was used back then.

EMMA with her updated 1995 Stratocaster!!

The goal was to clean it up, fix the electronics but yet maintain some of it’s Legacy.

Emma and I selected the right pick guard and I was off to the races. The switch was replaced with a new 5 position American Strat. Switch. All parts and body were cleaned, surface rust removed, body polished. The neck was cleaned and treated (it turned out beautiful). Pickups cleaned. Some connections resoldered. I kept the original “yellowed” white pickup covers and knobs because it maintained the linage of the Stratocaster and looks great on the new purple pickguard. Finally strings were install, intonation done, pickup levels set, truss rod adjusted, bridge floated properly and bridge heights adjusted.

The EMMA model was born!!

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