Featuring Gombrelli Guitars (GG USA)

PowerShifter EX™

A Fender Stratocaster Supercharger Circuit from Gombrelli Guitars USA


Power Shifter EX is a super charged version of the Power Shifter Circuit.  

It is based on 2 of GG USA’s popular circuits in one package with some additions

  • DUAL STRATBUCKER – A single switch action that turns an SSS Stratocaster into a HSH Stratocaster.
  • SUPER SPANK – Which parallelizes the neck and bridge pickups.
  • SUPER SWITCH for maintaining positions 2 and 4 when the Dual Stratbucker is on (they stay in parallel)
  • DOUBLE CAP SWITCHING for the DUAL Stratbucker  (.022uf when in stock mode, .010uf when in Dual Stratbucker mode)

These circuits aren’t a new idea; trust me, in the world of guitar wiring there really isn’t a new idea, but lot of what really takes it to the next level is the design and engineering of it. Loaded Pickguards from Gombrelli Guitars are design to allow “pure” stock usage and then the switches create new sounds.

Design Requirements

Some of the requirements I look for is:

  • Always allow a Stratocaster to be able to run with Stock Switching
  • Make it EASY to switch use while playing live
  • Make it EASY to understand what sound it will make before you switch it
  • Make it flexible in terms of ways it can be implemented
  • Let there be NO dead spots in the switching
  • Have the different “mini” design work well with each other
  • Maintain the ability to have 2 tone controls

I found myself going back to this design over and over and loving how it implements so well.

Implementation options:

  • Two Micro Switches
  • One Micro Switch and One Push Pull
  • Two Push Pull Switches
  • 2 Push Push Switches (The quality of the switch is a little less)


The default cap selection can be changed when doing a custom orders.but the default is .022uf and .010uf

Any pot value will work but usually larger (500k) pots are used for higher winding pickups to do more treble compensation with 250K being the standard otherwise.